A moo point, basically …

Arbit/ Random

Panic attack

with 3 comments

How long is sixteen hours?

Any attempts at numerical conversions into minutes/ seconds are thanked, but not thanked.

Sixteen hours can be effectively summarized as –

Sleep + Enchanted with lots of Fast Forward + Bourne Ultimatum + Sleep + Football Highlights + Rush Hour 3 + a long wait for the Loo line with random flirting with airhostesses who go by generic names like Donna and Jackie (Can I have a muffin? Can you butter my muffin? Which beer would you recommend?) + Juno + License to Wed.

This, however doesn’t include the part where your In-Flight Entertainment suddenly decides to hang while you’re fast forwarding the soporific parts of Enchanted. With >14 more hours to go, 16 hours suddenly seems like –

A lecture of CH101 + Dravid embarking on one of his marathon innings + A Bengali art film + A Sonia Gandhi speech + A Rituporno Ghose movie with Dravid and Sonia Gandhi explaining the isomorphism of nitrobenzene …

Basically-  horror, boredom, horror over the prospect of further uninterrupted boredom; all eventually leading to total panic. The presence of an extra large squirming lady in the seat next to you effectively kills your last resort – a nice little book, or maybe a few nice little books. Full blown panic sets in.

Thankfully, the system decides to unhang itself, sanity is restored and sixteen hours seem to just (excuse the pun) fly by.

First impressions of NY – Everything is so larger than life, be it Time Square, the skyscrapers, the highways, everything. And it all reminds me of Mumbai in a very weird way. If it wasn’t for the chilly winds, things would had been just perfect right now 🙂

Written by sujaybedekar

March 5, 2008 at 4:01 am

Posted in Entertainment, Movies, new york, US

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3 Responses

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  1. Call and say hello 🙂

    Do you have a phone number?


    March 5, 2008 at 4:32 am

  2. Hey man.. nice blog this is 🙂 very well written indeed.

    What r u doing in NY currently?

    Saurabh Das

    March 5, 2008 at 10:15 am

  3. @Pritam : Garibi prevents me from having a cell number in NY, mail me your number, I’ll give you a call 🙂

    @SD: Thanks. Me in NY for work purposes, expanding horizons, developing franchises, building new relationships … NOT!


    March 5, 2008 at 6:10 pm

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